Monday, April 30, 2012


Whew so the last month has been nuts! But I think things are calming down now.

So after two weeks of no activity here's my plan for this week:

Sunday-walk 30 minutes ( done!)
Monday-35 minutes of cardio (check!)
Tuesday- Lyrical dance class
Wednesday-Bellydance, Drum class
Thursday-Zymba,  Bellydance and Veils
Friday-Hike with Bill
Saturday-day off

Now can I do it? Hope so. I am starting slow and gradually moving up to Thursday. I'll check back in with updates.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


So last week I got in 10 COUNT EM 10 dance classes.
At some point this has to start showing on a scale.
I also got in a walk on one of my non dance days.
Not much this weekend besides walking while shopping.

Food intake is terrible! I was telling a friend its like I'm great a breakfast, ok at lunch and then terrible at dinner. If I don't eat dinner then I have, as taco bell would call it, a fourth meal way late at night.

I think I did better in Louisiana than I have in the last week. Maybe I should get back to drinking more milk.

Let see if I can do better this week with food. Up the protein, but down on the cards late at night.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Got in a great belly dance class and then a drum class. Not sure the drum class counts but it does make my arms sore.

It was a terrible food day I have no idea what got into me. I'll just have to get back to it in the morning!

I've started planning out my belly dance costume so that if I make it into a routine later this year I'll have an idea of what I'll need. There is some gorgeous stuff out there!belly dance just makes every woman look beautiful!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Hey gang I'm back. After Symposium for Work and Spring Break I finally have some blog time for myself.

Still working out, did a lot of walking and hiking on vacation and then got right back to Belly, Zumba and Dance when I got home.

Doing great on food this week. Water too. I just have to keep it all up!

Now if I could only put down the Ipad I could get back to writing too. I have so many ideas bouncing around in here and am not making time for it. dats not good!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Well that was a 14 hour day LOL
I walked a baziliion miles in the VBC so that will just have to count as exercise!

Did ok for food but was crazy hungry tonight.
Got in my water tho and only one coffee and one mt. dew

More symposium for the next two days, come on Friday!
Not that I don't love it cause I do but it is brain overload!!

Monday, March 19, 2012


Its been a busy few days getting ready for Symposium at work and will continue to be busy until Friday. I just hope to make time for me and get some workouts in.
I did well today and got to Zumba and Belly.
I hope tomorrow to get to Belly and Lyrical it all depends on what happens at the VBC.

I got a great compliment tonight from my Belly instructor and it made me me feel great. Maybe I'm not so sucky after all LOL

Good on food today but was TERRIBLE over the weekend. Musn't dwell tho. Still doing great on water.

Wish me luck on dealing with food/snacks/coffee breaks at the VBC. I'm taking apples and jerky so I hope I can resist!

Thursday, March 15, 2012


2000 calories later- Zumba, Belly and a new Veil class! It was amazing and beautiful!
I adore Nomadic Tapestry!

Good food and water day, tho with all the sweating I probably need much more water!

Finish my Forensic book and am reading "Odd and the Frost Giants" and "Pretty Little Liars" I also reserved a few books at te library.

Had a SCAN today on the arsenal that was short but tiring. Looking forward to a nice long relaxing weekend.